Aspire Design System | F&G

Use this guide for F&G’s visual and verbal identity across digital properties.

This is the design system for F&G. Feel free to look around!

Our approach to UI’s is CSS and semantic HTML first, and Javascript second. This approach allows us to be as platform-agnostic as possible.

If you have any questions, please email


This section is where you will find guides on the smallest pieces of our brand, such as color, typography and logo usage.


This section is where you will find guides bigger pieces of our brand, such as inputs and dropdowns. This is where we combine basic elements to create more usable pieces.


At F&G, we strive for the AAA level of W3C’s WCAG 2.2 guidelines whenever possible, when AAA is not possible AA is suffient.

Go to WCAG 2.2 Guidelines

Our two current focus areas to achieve AAA compliance are semantic HTML and ensure proper color contrast.

For more information on how we approach and incorporate accessibility standards into our designs, explore our Accessibility Guidelines section.